Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So sad...

I was driving home this morning from my spinning class, along Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica, and I saw a seagull fly down to pick up some food that was lying in the middle of the street.  Then, before I knew it, the guy in front of me hit the seagull.  ugh.  It was the single saddest thing I have seen in a long time, and I am absolutely heartbroken about it.  It was more than I could handle and I just stopped my car and bawled my eyes out until the other drivers on the road started to go around me.  I was paralyzed in the middle of the street.  I had no idea what I could do, if I could do anything to save this bird.  And it was like everyone just went about their day, especially the guy who hit the bird, he didn't even look back.  I know this is not the most pleasant blog entry, and my intention is not to bring this sadness onto anyone, but it has been on my mind all morning, and I thought writing about it may be cathartic.  I realize that these birds are not endangered, and there are hundreds of thousands of them, but this just knocked the wind out of me.  I have a very soft spot for all animals.  But I will say this: that bird may not have been killed if someone hadn't littered up the streets with their garbage.  Santa Monica is such a beautiful city, but it has gotten so gross if you ask me, and it needs to be cleaned up.  It is always littered with crap.  I am sorry if this makes anyone sad, I know I am not the only one who gets upset by these sorts of things.  I do promise a more uplifting post tomorrow, because tonight I am going to dinner with 2 of my best girl friends and this time, there will be photos :) 


Sarah said...

no need to apologize for your feelings. That is very sad and I think to witness the end of a life no matter how small can be overwhelming. Sorry you had to see that

weezermonkey said...

How can such a big heart live in such a tiny body?! You are the kindest girl!

Nanette said...

I understand where you're coming from. And as Sarah said, no need to apologize for how you feel.

That Girl said...

I saw a dog get hit by a dog once and to this day I can't get the image out of my head every time I see a dog crossing the street. It makes me tear up every time.

amber said...

:( that is really sad. especially when you actually see it happening, not just the "after", you know? no need to be sorry.