Tuesday, June 8, 2010

6 Months!

Again, she is now actually 6 months and 2 weeks, at least I am consistent ;)

She is growing by leaps and bounds and looking back through some pictures of her 1st days, has really made me see how this sweet baby is growing too fast. I can't believe it has been 1/2 of a year already! At her 6 month appointment, she was 27 inches long, 15 lbs 4 oz. She is now rolling, both ways all over the room. Baby proofing is definitely right around the corner, I can't believe how mobile she is getting.

We spent last week visiting Grandma and Grandpa in Colorado, and we had a blast! Scarlett was a super trooper on the plane, both ways, even with a poop explosion upon landing in Colorado. We took a trip to the zoo, where Scarlett got to feed the giraffes, it was so cool! It was such an action packed trip. I think Scarlett really loves to travel, she just loves being around people, and being the center of attention :) She loves all of her Aunties too! Auntie Mamie is having a baby boy in October, and she can't wait to meet him!

Hanging with Auntie Mamie:
Feeding the Giraffes!
Enjoying the view with Grandpa...
So happy to be in Colorado with her Grandma!


Molly said...

So cute! Love the new pics. The one of her and her Grampa....adorable!!!

Nanette said...

Such a sweet girl!

weezermonkey said...

Most adorable family ever!