Friday, June 11, 2010

A Girl and her Puppies....

Scarlett has a best friend, and his name is Kona. These two have had a special bond since Scarlett arrived, and to be fair, since she was in mama's belly. We got Kona only days after we learned we were expecting sweet Scarlett, and I think this might be where their bond began. I am pretty sure Kona knew his little soulmate was coming! Kona was a handful of a puppy - maybe it was that I was so sick in the beginning, or that Riley was such an easy puppy, but he wore me out! But I would always say to Sam, he is going to be her best friend, he is just the kind of dog who will stick with this kid. (she loves Riley too, but he sort of keeps to himself a lot these days. But he is very sweet with her :) Dogs and babies, doesn't get much better than this...

1 comment:

weezermonkey said...

I love their similar expressions!