Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

I am officially obsessed with watching this baby sleep. There is just something so sweet, so peaceful and so absolutely adorable about watching babies sleep. We have a video monitor and I swear (now) I use it far more to peek in on these sweet sleepy moments than I do to determine when she needs us. We love watching her in the mornings when she scoots around the crib gathering up all of her pacis from the night (we leave a bunch in there so she can always find one). And sometimes, she lifts up onto her arms, and looks straight into the camera, and I am just sure she realizes we are watching her. Right now I am trying to figure out if I can find a way to keep this camera in her room until she leaves for college, or even better, maybe send it with her.

For now, I will just keep peeking in on our sleeping beauty...

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