So we have been introducing Scarlett to new foods every day, well, not every day - more like every 3 days to watch for any allergic reactions. She tolerates fruit and veggie purees, and oatmeal, but is not crazy about them. She seems far more interested in what I am eating, naturally. So I was cutting up a white peach we got from the farmers market, and I decided to hand it to her just to see... the verdict? She LOVED it! It was so ripe and juicy that I wasn't totally terrified of her choking, plus I was of course watching her like a hawk. She loves trying to feed herself much more than she likes me putting a spoon full of mush in her mouth. We tried some yogurt melts too, which she can sort of grasp and shove into her mouth and she loved those too (well, the few bits that actually made it into her mouth, as opposed to the floor - directly into Kona's mouth).

We took a trip to Babies R Us a few weeks ago, where we purchased this amazing duck bath tub. This thing is by far the best 15 bucks I think I have spent in a long time. In the bath, and in the living room, hours of entertainment!