Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes, I Did

I voted today :)

On my drive to my polling place this morning, I was literally overcome with emotion as I saw a woman on the side of the street outside of a polling place holding a "No on 8" poster. I was so proud of her. She is out there in the last hours trying to educate as many people as she could about this hate filled proposition. I can only hope and pray that people vote this hateful prop down. It would be such a disaster if it would pass. Read WeezerMonkey's entry on this hateful prop, your eyes will be opened.

After my 30-minute wait, I stepped up to the little kiosk, punched a few dots, and got my sticker :) I am so not a political person, but this is such an important election.

I feel good about the candidate I voted for, and I feel good about the direction that I am hoping this country is heading with a new President. I voted for hope and change for the future of this country. Whoever should win the election tonight, I pray for his strength and courage, to get our country out of this mess.

I stopped on the way home for a free coffee at Starbucks, of course :)


weezermonkey said...

So nice to "see" you! I am honored to be included in this post. :)

amber said...

i agree with you -- whoever wins (though it's looking like obama) is definitely going to need our prayers for strength and courage. quite a job that they're taking on.

haleydahl said...

yeah girl! ba-ROCK the vote! ; )

That Girl said...

I can't believe you waited so long! Our wait was 5 minutes! But we had to see "Yes on 8" signs the whoooole way to the polls.

K Jeffrey said...

You must be disappointed that McCain/Palin did not win. Well, I'm afraid we're in for some tough times. Those of us who work hard and risk capital to create jobs raise the standard of living for all are facing a very unfriendly administration. Interesting how these O maniacs don't realize that the funds they want to spread come from folks who start and grow business. Economics 101: The private sector creates wealth, the government creates nothing and is dependent on the private sector for its existence.