Tuesday, February 23, 2010

3 Months!

Embarrassingly, I have let a month go by without blogging about our little sweet pea, and now she is 3 months old! Time really does fly when you are having fun, and raising a baby. Scarlett's sweet personality is coming out more and more with each day, and it is so fun to see her learn new things. She is quite a creature of habit. She likes her bottles just about every 2 hours, and loves her bath time. She sleeps great during the night, putting her down at about 8pm and she doesn't wake up until 6:30am. Although we think its probably time to move her into her crib... She has been sleeping in a bassinet in our room since we brought her home, but some mornings we wake to find her wedging herself into the lower corner of it, her face pushing into the mesh! We are a tad apprehensive about moving her, since she does so well at night now, but it must be done. Naps are a different story for this girl though. She must just get enough sleep at night, because I have not seen her take more than a 25 minute cat nap in about a month. She takes several throughout the day, but never that long. She has settled into a fairly predictable morning nap, which takes place in what we like to call her "snuggle nest" - which is her boppy lounge chair covered with plushy blankies, she loves it! And she is insanely cute in it too :)


Sarah said...

This life sounds appealing :) Congrats on her sleeping through the night consistently.

Nanette said...

You got a champion sleeper! I was up probably at least 3x a night until Em was 7 months!

She's such a cutie.

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