Monday, January 25, 2010

I Love You.

We have two milestones to report today:

The first is that Scarlett said her 1st words over the weekend ;) She was on the changing table, being her adorable coo-ey self, and I was saying "I love you" over and over to her, and she was sort of singing back to us, and then she repeated it! It sure sounded like it anyway, even Sam thought so!

The second is that I think she is coming down with her 1st cold, booo. Her 2-week sleeping through the night stint ended last night at 2:30 am with a terribly congested little baby nose. And the poor girl just has not been herself today. She is eating well, and no fever, so Im pretty sure its a cold. We go to the pediatrician tomorrow for her 2 month appointment, so if it isn't better by then, at least we already have a dr. appointment.

She is also very close to being able to suck her thumb. She has so much more control over her hands in the past few days even. It is really amazing to see how fast they learn things and how much she grows from day to day. She may prefer her thumb, but the paci is definitely still easier for her, at this point anyway!

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